Make Great Videos and Write Great Articles

Videos achieve outcomes on social media that written content might not, and written content can achieve search engine rankings that videos might not. The best scenario is to create both types of content -- along with multimedia content -- to meet audiences' ever-changing preferences, and to attract visitors and leads throughout the marketing funnel.

Video content is the main source of content creation we do at Smart Media LLC, but we encourage and suggest you always try to incorporate a good mix of media for your campaigns and online channels. Ideally, you should be writing articles and reports, and then incorporating videos and other multimedia elements into them. Give the people what they want -- which is written, visual, and audio content. View samples of our work.

Make specific types of videos for specific platforms in the same way you would for different types of written content. That way, the videos you create will have specific goals in mind -- for example, video views, video view rate, or website clicks -- that you can measure and iterate on. 

By investing in video content up front, you'll ensure that your content strategy is firing on all cylinders and creating video content that can both eventually rank in search results, and generate views organically -- not just as an ad.

And now that more people are jumping on the video content creation bandwagon, search engines and social networks are getting saturated with more videos to compete against.

People have their preferences, and consumers want to watch video content and read in-depth news and research content -- and that they want to watch videos on social media. Millions of hours of video content are streamed across social media every day. but its suggested to create multimedia content that serves a variety of purposes on a variety of different platforms. For example, keyword-specific blog posts and YouTube videos might quickly rank in Google and YouTube searches, to help drive visitors to landing pages and lead forms that help brands start selling. On the other hand, entertaining, short-form videos on Facebook and Instagram will help spread a brand's message and attract more people to a website down the line.

If you're just getting started with video marketing, we can help. Smart Media LLC is a New Orleans based content marketing company focus on creating and implementing effective and engaging content to help guide visitors along your marketing funnel. 

Article Sourced - HupSpot

Kevin Barraco