Recruitment Marketing


No matter your business, you’re in the business of people. People are key to the growth and success of any company, and building a team of diverse yet complementary personalities, passions and skill sets is one of the most challenging aspects of any business.

The process of finding great candidates and convincing them to apply is complex. Recruitment marketing is the process of promoting your brand with the use of marketing methods to attract, engage and nurture relationships with qualified talent. This can be done with effective content marketing.

Above everything, it’s crucial to create great content that candidates will actually want to read, listen or watch and make your company stand out as a desirable employer.

Content is truly becoming an important vehicle to reach prospective candidates. The opportunities to network and meet them in-person are usually after they learn about your company online. These first impressions can determine the interest of working with your company.

Mapping out a robust content calendar will both ensure your story is being told in a thoughtful way, and it’s a surefire way to continuously generate interest among passive and active candidates. Promote your company with details on benefits, perks, work environment and anything else a candidate needs to know that will make your open roles stand out.

At Smart Media we have helped many companies build brand awareness with our engaging content marketing. Our professional video content is the best way to showcase your business, your team and your work environment to potential candidates. Contact us to learn more, and let us help you get started!

Kevin Barraco