5 Business New Year Marketing Resolutions

For business owners, the holidays don’t always give you a break. For some, it’s the busiest time of the year. Others spend their downtime planning for the future! We at Smart Media are thankful to be content creators and online marketing specialist moving into another year where content marketing is so important. We have seen so much growth in online content last year, and Smart Media always strives to provide our clients with engaging content to capture the attention of their audience.

We wish you all the best in 2023. Now is the time to get motivated to succeed with your websites, social media content and email marketing.

Here are five local business resolutions this year to prepare you for the new year :

  1. Optimize your social media pages.
    Stay relevant and grow your reach on platforms that matter; Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. Don’t forget about Facebook, it’s still important.

  2. Create a content calendar and post rich content.
    Get organized and delivery content that matters and post when it matters.

  3. Reconnect with loyal customers through email marketing.
    Don’t miss out on targeting and retargeting existing clients through email, which continues to be a useful and measurable marketing tactic.

  4. Rejuvenate your website.
    It’s easier and now more cost effective then ever before to have a great looking and user-friendly website. Refresh your online presence.

  5. Collaborate with your neighbors.
    Outreach brand awareness and neighborhood brand loyalty is growing strong. Be an effective community ambassador to reach locals and see your business shine offline and online.

It’s time to tackle these winning, local business resolutions for 2023.

Contact us to help create your marketing plans and execute what your company needs.

Kevin Barraco